Star Force: Insurrection (SF28)
Aer-Ki Jyr
Star Force (28)
Star Force: Psionics (SF29)
Star Force (29)
Star Force: Recalibration (SF30)
Star Force (30)
Star Force: Mastermind (SF32)
Star Force (32)
Star Force: Eviction (SF33)
Star Force (33)
Star Force: Deceit (SF34)
Star Force (34)
Star Force: Paradigm (SF35)
Star Force (35)
Star Force: Knighthood (SF36)
Star Force (36)
Star Force: Scruples (SF37)
Star Force (37)
Star Force: Termination (SF38)
Star Force (38)
Star Force: Unification (SF39)
Star Force (39)
Star Force: Commando (SF40)
Star Force (40)
Star Force: Upgrades (SF41)
Star Force (41)
Star Force: Probe (SF42)
Star Force (42)
Star Force: Consensus (SF43)
Star Force (43)
Star Force: Relocation (SF44)
Star Force (44)
Star Force: Battlemeld (SF45)
Star Force (45)
Star Force: Excursion (SF46)
Star Force (46)
Star Force: Veracious (SF48)
Star Force (48)
Star Force: Penance (SF49)
Star Force (49)
Star Force: Evacuation (SF50)
Star Force (50)
Star Force: Sav (SF51)
Star Force (51)
Star Force: Survivor (SF52)
Star Force (52)
Star Force: Backdoor (SF53)
Star Force (53)
Earth - Last Sanctuary
Christian Kallias
Universe in Flames (1)
Warstrider: Netlink
William H. Keith Jr. & Ian Douglas
Warstrider (5)
Warstrider: Battlemind
Warstrider (6)
Blades of Damocles
Phil Kelly
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Battles (1)
Riptide: Star Wars Legends
Paul S. Kemp
The Search for Gram
Chris Kennedy
Codex Regius (1)
Beyond the Shroud of the Universe
Codex Regius (2)
Alpha Contracts
Chris Kennedy & Mark Wandrey
Revelations Cycle (10)
Dark Genesis: The Birth of the Psi Corps
J. Gregory Keyes
Babylon 5: Saga of Psi Corps (1)
Deadly Relations: Bester Ascendant (Babylon 5)
Babylon 5: Saga of Psi Corps (2)
Final Reckoning: The Fate of Bester
Babylon 5: Saga of Psi Corps (3)
Floxham Island Sinclair V-Log Az267/M
Merita King
Star Thief
T. Jackson King
Harl Dominion (1)
Alien Tango
Gini Koch
Katherine "Kitty" Katt (2)
The Royal Scam
The Martian Alliance (1)
A Bug's Life
The Martian Alliance (3)
Alliance Rising
The Martian Alliance (99)
Starship Grifters
Robert Kroese
Rex Nihilo (1)
Her Brother's Keeper
Mike Kupari
The Eighth Science Fiction Megapack
Jay Lake & Pamela Sargent & Philip K. Dick & George R. R. Martin
Slow Decay
Andy Lane
Torchwood (3)
The Lighter Side
Keith Laumer
Bolos: Their Finest Hour
Bolo (17)
Old Guard
Keith Laumer & Bill Fawcett
Bolos (5)
Legacy Systems
Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Adventures in the Liaden Universe (19)
The Crystal Variation (1 - 3)
Liaden Universe (1.30)
Ghost Ship
Liaden Universe (14)
Necessity's Child
Liaden Universe (16)
Liaden Universe Constellation, Vol 1
Liaden Universe - Collection (1)
Liaden Universe Constellation, Vol. 2
Liaden Universe - Collection (2)
Liaden Universe Constellation, Vol 3
Liaden Universe - Collection (3)
The Agent Gambit
Liaden Universe Combo Volumes (2)
Space Opera
Yoon Ha Lee & James Patrick Kelly & Gwyneth Jones & Gareth L. Powell & Greg Egan & Chris Willrich & Michael Flynn & Una McCormack & David Moles & Naomi Novik & Kage Baker & Paul Berger & Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette & Jay Lake & Justina Robson & Alastair Reynolds & Ian McLeod & Robert Reed & Aliette de Bodard & Lavie Tidhar & Benjanun Sriduangkaew & Ian McDonald
The Dispossesed
Ursula K. LeGuin
Hainish Cycle (5)
Born From Fire
Holly Lisle
Tales From the Longview (1)