The Dispossesed

Ursula K. LeGuin

Book 5 of Hainish Cycle

Language: English

Publisher: Gollancz

Published: Jan 19, 2003



In her most ambitious and prophetic novel to date, Ursula K. Le Guin has produced a stunning tour de force--the spellbinding story of Shevek, a brilliant physicist who single-handedly attempts to reunite two planets cut off from each other by centuries of distrust.

Anarres, Shevek's homeland, is a bleak moon settled by an anarchic utopian civilization; Urras, the mother planet, is a world very similar to Earth, with its warring nations, great poverty, and immense wealth. Shevek risks everything in a courageous visit to Urras--to learn, to teach, to share. But his gift becomes a threat... and in the profound conflict which ensues, Shevek must re-examine his philosophy of life.