The Hallowed Hunt
Lois McMaster Bujold
World of the Five Gods (1)
Penric's Demon
World of the Five Gods (1.10)
Penric and the Shaman
World of the Five Gods (1.20)
Penric's Fox
World of the Five Gods (1.30)
Masquerade in Lodi
World of the Five Gods (1.40)
Penric's Mission
World of the Five Gods (1.50)
Mira's Last Dance
World of the Five Gods (1.60)
The Prisoner of Limnos
World of the Five Gods (1.70)
The Orphans of Raspay
World of the Five Gods (1.80)
The Physicians of Vilnoc
World of the Five Gods (1.90)
The Assassins of Thasalon
World of the Five Gods (2)
Knot of Shadows
World of the Five Gods (2.10)
Demon Daughter
World of the Five Gods (2.20)
The Curse of Chalion
World of the Five Gods (3)
Paladin of Souls
World of the Five Gods (4)