Requiem for a Dream
Hubert Selby
Guild Wars: Sea of Sorrows
Ree Soesbee
Guild Wars Series (3)
T2: Infiltrator
S. M. Stirling
Terminator (1)
Revenge of the Sith
Matthew Stover & George Lucas
Star Wars: Novelizations (3)
Anakin Skywalker
Todd Strasser
Star Wars: Journals (1)
Ghost Story
Peter Straub
Star Trek Titan: Synthesis
James Swallow
Star Trek: Titan (6)
Star Trek Titan: Sword of Damocles
Geoffrey Thorne
Star Trek: Titan (4)
A forma da água
Guillermo Del Toro & Daniel Kraus
Halo: The Thursday War
Karen Traviss
Halo: Kilo-Five Trilogy (2)
Mass Effect: Evolution #2
Mac Walters
Mass Effect Graphic Novels (2)
In Tempest's Wake
Dayton Ward
Star Trek: Vanguard (9)
Star Wars - 126 - The Last of the Jedi 06 - Return of the Dark ...
Jude Watson
Star Wars - 128 - The Last of the Jedi 08 - Against the Empire
Star Wars - 122 - The Last of the Jedi 03 - Underworld
Star Wars - 129 - The Last of the Jedi 09 - Master of Deception
The Defenders of the Dead
Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice (5)
The Uncertain Path
Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice (6)
The Fight for Truth
Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice (9)
The Shattered Peace
Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice (10)
The Deadly Hunter
Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice (11)
The Threat Within
Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice (18)
The Followers
Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice (20)
The Way of the Apprentice
Star Wars: Jedi Quest (1)
The Final Showdown
Star Wars: Jedi Quest (10)
Death on Naboo
Star Wars: The Last of the Jedi (4)
Tangled Web
Star Wars: The Last of the Jedi (5)
Alex Wheeler
Star Wars: Rebel Force (3)
Star Wars: Rebel Force (5)
Star Wars: Rebel Force (6)
Star Wars Rebels Ezra's Gamble
Ryder Windham
Search for the Lost Jedi
Star Wars Episode I Adventures (1)
Curse of the Black Hole Pirates
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Secret Missions (2)
Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Fearful Symmetry
Olivia Woods
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Series (58)
Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Soul Key
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Series (59)
Star Wars®: Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Patricia C. Wrede & George Lucas
Star Wars®: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Zero's Familiar Vol. 1
Noboru Yamaguchi & Nana Mochizuki
Zero's Familiar (1)
Terminator Salvation: Trial by Fire
Timothy Zahn
Terminator Salvation: From the Ashes: The Official Prequel Novelization