Raising Evil

Liam Reese

Book 4 of A Huntsman's Fate

Language: English

Publisher: Steelsage Press

Published: Sep 29, 2018

Pages: 336


Would you sacrifice you child for the safety of millions? This is the horrific challenge posed to King Besmir of Gazluth, when his son is kidnapped, and his daughter attempts to usurp the throne. Gazluth has had ten years of peace since Besmir defeated his evil Uncle Tiernon, but now those quiet times have come to an end as the wicked hellion Portillia steals away Prince Joranus to the Underworld and demands Besmir venture to the Hell dimension to free him.

The King of Gazluth cannot be away for too long however, as Princess Emmerlin has a vile plan of her own. A dark force has been growing inside the royal since the day she was born and now, with a distraught Besmir on a quest for his son, Emmerlin may have the most opportune moment to rip the crown away from her own father. Besmir’s only hope may lie in a trip to the desert country of Boranash where the mysterious arch shaman may hold the key to his quest.

Emmerlin and Portillia aren’t the only ones on the hunt for Besmir’s seat, as Tiernon’s wife Demeron seeks the throne for her daughter, the “rightful heir.” His enemies are many and his allies are few, but if Besmir hopes to continue his reign he will have to look within himself to find the answers. Can Besmir save both his children? Or will he lose Gazluth and the lives of his millions of people in his journey?