
Liam Reese

Book 2 of Thorned

Language: Portuguese

Publisher: Steelsage Press

Published: Jan 1, 2018


A powerful mage in crisis. A queen hunting victory. The battle between duty and conscience.

Thorn is one of the Forged, a mythical mage cursed with the ability to shift humans into creatures—even against their will. Embroiled in a rebellion to reclaim the Queen’s throne, he struggles to control his powers in the fight against the immortal usurper and mad Serhiy, the King’s right-hand man tasked with their destruction.

But there are the enemies without. . .and the enemies within. Thorn’s newly strengthened abilities are still erratic, and he is wracked with guilt over Forging the once human Lisca into a fox. He doesn’t trust himself, and convinces the Queen to undertake a quest to learn what he truly is, if they are to have any chance at victory.

At the moment where all hope rests on Thorn, he doubts. Is the usurper evil. . .or has everything Thorn has been told a lie? He must choose whether to honor oaths already made or betray his companions and forge his own path.

Fired, Book Two in the Thorn Series, continues a coming of age epic fantasy where one young man explores the depths to which he will sink in order to belong. . .and the lines he will not cross to fulfill oaths. The Queen must seize her crown. One of the Forged must rise. Download this sword & sorcery adventure if you enjoy magical quests, battles against all odds, and the conflict of discovering the truth of whom one's enemy truly is.