The Warlock Wandering

Christopher Stasheff

Book 6 of The Warlock Series

Language: English

Publisher: Ace

Published: Jan 15, 1987

Pages: 742


On the magical planet Gramarye, 500 years from their own time, Rod and Gwen Gallowglass are held captive in an alternative universe--a world where purple-skinned, fur-kilted men challenge them in primitive battle. Lost within time and space, and unable to communicate with the combative natives, Rod and Gwen must fight for their freedom and survival. Reissue.


About the Author

Christopher Stasheff taught Communications at a small college in New Jersey for a number of years. About six years ago, he and his wife (and four children, who were the models for the Gallowglass kids) moved to Illinois, where he has been writing full-time. 

On the magical planet Gramarye, 500 years from their own time, Rod and Gwen Gallowglass are held captive in an alternative universe--a world where purple-skinned, fur-kilted men challenge them in primitive battle. Lost within time and space, and unable to communicate with the combative natives, Rod and Gwen must fight for their freedom and survival.


On the magical planet Gramarye, 500 years from their own time, Rod and Gwen Gallowglass are held captive in an alternative universe--a world where purple-skinned, fur-kilted men challenge them in primitive battle. Lost within time and space, and unable to communicate with the combative natives, Rod and Gwen must fight for their freedom and survival. Reissue.


Five hundred years from their own time and place on the magical planet Gramarye, Rod and Gwen Gallowglass are held captive on another planet at the edge of Terran civilization -- a world where purple-skinned, fur-kilted men challenge them in primitive battle.

But escaping this planet is only the first step - together, they must somehow flee all the way to Terra, wherein lies their only hope of returning to their own place and time.

Lost in a strange, foreign universe, pursued and hounded by their enemies at every turn, Rod and Gwen must race across the galaxy, fighting for their survival, their freedom, and to return home.

When Warlock's young son, Magnus, embarks on his own adventurous journeys around the world, Warlock cannot resist following him, but when Magnus is faced with danger and the responsibilities of growing up, he is on his own. Reissue.


About the Author

Christopher Stasheff taught Communications at a small college in New Jersey for a number of years. About six years ago, he and his wife (and four children, who were the models for the Gallowglass kids) moved to Illinois, where he has been writing full-time. 

Even the son of a warlock gets restless sometimes. And when Magnus sets off to see the world, his father, Rod Gallowglass, and the robot horse, Fess, can't resist trailing behind. Someone's got to protect young Magnus from spellbinding witches, enchanted maidens, and jealous husbands. Reissue.


Even the son of a warlock gets restless sometimes. And when Magnus sets off to see the world (and get out of his father's shadow), his dad, Rod Gallowglass, and his robot horse, Fess, can't resist trailing behind. Someone's got to protect young Magnus from peril-to his body AND his heart.

First running afoul of a vindictive old witch with a lustful eye, then getting caught up in the intrigue of a small, isolated village dominated by a harsh theocracy, the Warlock's son is forced to fall back on his inexperienced diplomatic and espionage skills rather than his magical or martial talents.

But Magus is most vulnerable to the hazards of love and sex. From bored noblewomen (with jealous husbands) looking for a new boy toy, to exotic faeries wanting to spirit him away to Tir Chlis, to normal (but beautiful) mortals seeking to use him rather than love him, Magnus faces threats no parent can shield him from.

Despite his dad's best intentions, when Magnus is faced with the worst dangers and responsibilities of growing up, he's on his own.