Calling on Dragons

Patricia C. Wrede

Book 3 of Enchanted Forest Chronicles

Language: English

Publisher: Point Fantasy

Published: Jan 1, 1993


Queen Cimorene, Morwen the witch, and a host of other characters once again foil the plots of the perfidious wizards. This time the dastardly wizards have stolen King Mendanbar's magic sword, vital to the health of the forest, right out of the castle armory. Morwen joins Cimorene, Kazul, Telemain, several cats, and Killer on a quest to retrieve the sword. Meanwhile, back at home, the forces of the wizards are gathering.


Those wicked wizards are back – and they've become very smart. (Sort of.) They intend to take over the Enchanted Forest once and for all . . . unless Cimorene finds a way to stop them. And some people think being queen is easy