Homeward Bound and Other Unicorn Stories

Bruce Coville

Language: English

Published: Jul 13, 2011


Four entertaining tales from the ever-popular, bestselling Unicorn Chronicles

In “Homeward Bound,” a rebellious young boy goes to live with his wealthy, cruel uncle after his parents death. Jaime becomes infatuated by the horn of what he is told is a narwhal hanging on the wall of his uncle’s study. His uncle forbids Jaime to so much as touch the horn, but he believes that the horn is that of a unicorn, and he schemes to be alone with it...

In “Boy with the Silver Eyes” a hunter brings home meat from a slaughtered unicorn to his family. While the father is immediately poisoned and dies, the son, Nils, survives. But Nils is suddenly able to see strange colors, talk to trees, and see goblins, who decide he belongs in their relam, where he may find his future.

In “The Guardian of Memory,” Grimwold, a dwarf and the keeper of the Unicorn Chronicles, is awoken by a pack of unicorns. They have been sent by the queen to escort him to the Changing of the Guard ceremony. There he meets mare Cloudmane, who is lobbying to become the next Guardian, a thankless job for which only stallions are eligible. Grimwold’s storytelling and Cloudmane’s secrets evoke the bittersweet memories left behind in the mortal world.

Also includes, "Ragged John", originally published in 1987 under the pseudonym of Beatrice Farrington in The Unicorn Treasury.