The Perfect Girlfriend

Karen Hamilton

Language: English

Publisher: Wildfire

Published: Feb 27, 2018

Pages: 359


Juliette has everything going for her: she’s young, pretty, and driven, and she’s training for an exciting new career as a flight attendant.The darkness in her past doesn’t matter, because she’s moved beyond all that, and she’s building a great new life for herself—one that will impress her ex-boyfriend, Nate, who left her in a foolish moment of commitment-phobia, one that he surely regrets now.

But he’ll be so proud of her once he sees how much she’s grown. And he will see her. After all, he’s a pilot at the very same airline where Juliette is training.What kind of man wouldn’t appreciate the effort Juliette has taken to win Nate back? She cleans his apartment when he’s not there and makes sure to leave all his favorite foods in the fridge. It’s only a matter of time before he leaves his airheaded new girlfriend and realizes Juliette is the only one for him.He will realize it. Juliette will make sure of it. After all, she is the perfect girlfriend.