Mage-Guard of Hamor

L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Book 15 of Recluce

Language: Portuguese

Published: Mar 2, 2009


Acclaimed author L. E. Modesitt, Jr. continues his new Recluce story in Mage-Guard of Hamor, the second of two volumes set mostly on the continent of Hamor, far across the sea from Recluce, where the story began.  Rahl was a young apprentice on the island of Recluce sent to the mages training school for testing, then banished to Hamor.  His education now continues under dangerous circumstances.  In Hamor, his powers have increased, but so has the amount of trouble he attracts.  The whole society of Hamor is a new culture for Modesitt—and Rahl—to explore, one in which magic is a monopoly of the state.  Rahl is a mage now, powerful and still just as dangerous to himself and to others. This is the story of how he gains both more knowledge and power, and more self-control.

Acclaimed bestselling author L. E. Modesitt, Jr. continues his saga of Recluce inMage-Guard of Hamor.  This is the second, afterNatural Ordermage, of two volumes set mostly on the continent of Hamor, far across the sea from Recluce, where the saga began.  As young apprentice on the island of Recluce, Rahl was sent to the mages training school for testing before he was banished to Hamor.  Now, Rahl is a powerful mage and still just as dangerous to himself and to others.  His education continues, but Rahl soon finds that as his powers have increased, so has the amount of trouble he attracts. Praise forMage-Guard of Hamor:“Mage-Guardmeasures up well to Modesitt at his best.”--Booklist“Fans of Modesitt’s Recluce books will likely love this latest addition to the series…..Rahl is a well-crafted protagonist with believable reactions to the world around him, and the high level of ordinary detail describing Hamor and Recluce never gets in the way of the story.”--Romantic Times BOOKreviews“The sequel toNatural Ordermageexplores a new part of Modesitt’s world and once again displays the author’s abilities to tell stories that shine with the veracity of everyday life as well as momentous events.”--Library JournalNew York Timesbestselling authorL. E. Modesitt, Jr. lives in Cedar City, Utah. DIVChapter One Rahl stood on the port wing of the fast frigate’s bridge, looking out at the seemingly endless gray-blue waters of the Eastern Ocean. Even in midocean, the early-fall air seemed hazy and cool, and the cloudless green-blue sky held a hint of silver. Below the iron decks, he could sense the controlled chaos of the boilers and engines of the E.S. Ascadya as she steamed northeast—toward Recluce. He could also feel the latent chaos of the powder in the locked iron magazines below the forward gun turret with its twin guns.He glanced toward the covered center of the bridge where Captain Jaracyn stood beside the officer of the day, both slightly back of the helmsman. Although the captain had been polite and courteous to both Rahl and Taryl—particularly toward the older mage-guard—Rahl could sense Jaracyn’s distaste for his mission. As a fighting commander of the Hamorian Navy, the captain would have preferred a more active role in dealing with the rebellion in Merowey than to transport two mage-guard envoys to Nylan, even though the mission was designed to keep the black ships of Nylan from becoming involved in hostilities against the Emperor.Rahl glanced back as the frigate pitched forward, slicing through a heavy swell that sent spray flying back from the bow. Two ratings in khaki trousers and collarless khaki shirts didn’t even duck as the cool spray showered them.Rahl couldn’t help but shake his head at how his life had twisted since he’d left Land’s End more than a year before. He’d been exiled from the north of Recluce to the Black City of Nylan, and from there to Hamor because he could not control his abilities with order. He’d been drugged with nemysa to destroy his memory after he’d discovered the thefts by the director of the Nylan Merchant Association, and ended up as laborer in the ironworks of Luba, where he’d been rescued and trained by a self-exiled mage-guard—Taryl—who had once been the Emperor’s Mage-Guard Triad. Then Rahl had been posted to Swartheld as a junior mage-guard, where he’d uncovered the Jeranyi pirate plot to destroy the merchant sector of the harbor—and killed his superior and destroyed the entire Nylan Merchant Association in the process of saving the rest of the merchant houses. As a result, he and Taryl were now being dispat