
Stephen Baxter

Book 3 of Mammoth

Language: English

Publisher: Hachette

Published: Jun 1, 2002


The daughter of Silverhair, lcebones has awakened from her strange sleep of a thousand years in a place she does not recognize, surrounded by others of her gargantuan race who have grown soft and slow on the generosity of their captors. But the human masters are gone, abandoning the mammoths to the harsh realities of a distant, frozen world. And so it falls to Icebones to unite this ragged band and lead them on a remarkable quest for safety. But the journey must wind through a landscape of unimaginable dangers. And the safe haven they seek may be no more than legend. Still lcebones must persevere, for only she carries the accumulated knowledge of mammoth history -- and only she can achieve the glory foretold in songs older than time.


The daughter of Silverhair, lcebones has awakened from her strange sleep of a thousand years in a place she does not recognize, surrounded by others of her gargantuan race who have grown soft and slow on the generosity of their captors. But the human masters are gone, abandoning the mammoths to the harsh realities of a distant, frozen world. And so it falls to Icebones to unite this ragged band and lead them on a remarkable quest for safety. But the journey must wind through a landscape of unimaginable dangers. And the safe haven they seek may be no more than legend. Still lcebones must persevere, for only she carries the accumulated knowledge of mammoth history -- and only she can achieve the glory foretold in songs older than time.
