Silent City

G. R. Matthews

Book 1 of Corin Hayes

Language: Portuguese

Published: Jan 1, 2015


Corin Hayes is a broken man. His wife has gone, his daughter murdered and he’s to blame for the death of his work friends. All he has going for him is a dark sarcasm and stubborn streak five kilometres wide. Scraping a living from the job boards, Corin’s only pleasure is to drink himself into oblivion at the end of the evening. When an attractive lady offers him a well-paid job, using the skills he learned in the Navy, he’d be a fool to turn it down.

He has barely settled into his new life and finds everyone around him is dead or dying. Now Corin must use the few skills he still possesses to stay alive and find out who killed them all.

Corin Hayes is a noir thriller, with dark humour, set in the far future where humanity has fled the surface to live in cities beneath the waves. Each novel is a self-contained adventure in the vein of Jack Reacher, Dirk Pitt with a hint of Greg Mandel.

"(A) book that isn't short on action or imagination and the setting is an interesting change of pace, so check it out!" - Mark Lawrence (Author of Prince of Thorns, Prince of Fools)

"Truly stellar world-building, which combines all the griminess of cyberpunk with the majesty and terror of the sea."

"Entertaining and exciting: Silent City is the start of a series I'll certainly be following with interest." - Laura M Hughes (Author of Danse Macabre)

"Damn good fun, intriguing as hell, different and exciting, I devoured this book." - Dyrk Ashton (Author of Paternus)

"It had plenty of twists and turns, and I was on the edge of my submarine pilot seat once or twice. The ending left lots of room for more adventure but wrapped up this particular part of the tale. It was very well done. I like Corin’s sense of humour too, so that was a plus." - (Top Amazon Contributor)

“Corin, as a character, has been put through the wringer quite a bit and you feel for him or I certainly did. He’s awesome!” -

“Corin Hayes' adventure in Silent City is an altogether more visceral first-person adventure set in a far future where humanity has fled beneath the waves to live in undersea cities. The story is packed with action from the first page which has our hero preparing for a beating to the last where our hero is... (spoilers as Riversong would say).” - (T O Munro, Lady of The Helm, Contributor on