
D. Ward Cornell

Book 3 of The Chronicles of Daan

Language: English

Published: Dec 20, 2021


The Chronicles of Daan continue!
A year has passed since the Lepodred conquest fleet was destroyed. Nonetheless they remain the most powerful force in the quadrant. In the hope of preventing another attack, Jared and his team press forward with a bold new agenda that will catapult human capability beyond all its competitors.

Meanwhile, the Confederation is still reeling from the loss of its capital city and the majority of its central government. The commission created to manage the reconstruction and form a new government has made painfully little progress. As frustrations grow, their focus has shifted to Jaredaan’s role in the destruction of the Lepodred fleet and what this implies for the future.

Outside human space, the Rufarven Emperor learns of human involvement in instigating his recent war with the Lepodred. He also learns of the humans’ astonishing victory over their common enemy. Concerned about the possibility of war on two fronts, he presses his niece to assess the human threat.

Facing dangers internal and external, Jared turns to the mystery, only to find a new nexus forming, stealing away his ability to probe the future.

Join Jared and his team as they navigate their way through challenges on all fronts.