The Old Gods Waken

Manly Wade Wellman

Book 1 of Silver John

Language: English

Published: Oct 21, 2014


The first Silver John novel.

In the wilds of Southern Appalachia lies Wolter Mountain - a sacred place for the Indians and their predecessors. But the land atop the mountain, taken over by two Englishmen, Brummitt and Hooper Voth, is undergoing frightening changes.

Strange evil things are terrorizing Luke and Creed Forshay who live at the foot of Wolter Mountain in the southern Appalachians, a sacred place for Indians and their predecessors. Two old-world Druids, disguised as Englishmen, are attempting to awaken pre-Indian spirits of the ancient mountain. Silver John and an Indian medicine man must collaborate to prevent certain death at the hands of blood-sacrificing priests.
