Aethernet Magazine Issue 5

Tony Ballantyne & Chris Beckett & Eric Brown & Juliet E. McKenna & Philip Palmer & Adrian Tchaikovsky & Barbara Ballantyne

Language: English

Publisher: Aethernet

Published: Jul 30, 2013


Issue #5 of the magazine that has taken the regular publishing world by surprise

Nowadays, fiction is instantly available. There are many short fiction magazines available for download, you can download a story collection in eBook form and be reading it in under a minute.

Aethernet Magazine aims to satisfy a different need. Aethernet Magazine is aiming to reintroduce the pleasures of delayed gratification. Aethernet Magazine stands for the slow burn, the building excitement of waiting to see how a story plays out. We want to reintroduce the pleasure of the cliffhanger ending; the gradual reveal on lives building up to a bigger picture; the leisurely float down the river leading to some mysterious destination.

Our stories are presented over time. Aethernet Magazine is here to help you rediscover the pleasure of anticipation…

Aethernet Magazine will run for 12 issues. The first issue will go on sale on 30th March 2013, subsequent issues will be on sale on the first of the month from May 2013 onwards. **