Blood and Ink

E. W. Clarke

Book 4 of Infinity Ring Secrets

Language: English

Publisher: Scholastic

Published: Dec 1, 2013


Secret adventures from the world of Infinity Ring. Only in e-book! Only 99 cents!

Swan has been a slave to the hated Empress Wu for nearly her entire life. But Swan has a secret. Unlike other slaves, she can read. More than that, she can write . . . and she writes beautiful poetry. Will Swan's talents be the key to her survival, or will they lead to her ultimate doom?

INFINITY RING SECRETS is a series of stand-alone short stories blending real history with the action and suspense of the INFINITY RING series. History is broken, and only the secret society of Hystorians knows why . . . and how to fix it. These are some of the stories!

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