Belgarath the Sorcerer

David Eddings & Leigh Eddings

Book 12 of Belgariad Universe

Language: English

Publisher: Del Rey

Published: Jun 2, 1996


The life story of Belgararth the Sorcerer: his own account of the great struggle that went before the Belgariad and the Malloreon, when gods stills walked the land.

Here is the full epic story of Belgarath, the great sorcerer learned in the Will and the Word on whom the fate of the world depends. Only Belgarath can tell of those near-forgotten times when Gods still walked the land: he is the Ancient One, the Old Wolf, his God Aldur's first and most-favoured disciple. Using powers learned over the centuries Belgarath himself records the story of conflict between two mortally opposed Destinies that split the world asunder.

A hugely entertaining work of great daring, wit, grandeur and excitement that confirms the role of Belgarath the Sorcerer as one of the mightiest fantasy creations of the century.


From Publishers Weekly

In this epic fantasy, depicting thousands of years of sorcerous, noble and godly machinations, the Eddingses return to the world of their multivolume sagas, The Belgariad and The Malloreon. This prequel to the earlier books, presented as Belgarath's memoirs, offers an absorbing story line and some memorable characters as, once again, the authors touch all the right fantasy bases, with warring gods, political intrigues, supernatural creatures and appealingly human magicians involved in a titanic war over the course of seven millennia. Because of the vast scope, the sense of ages passing and of destiny unfolding is well conveyed; but that same scale confines the authors to handling some events and characters only briefly, and it mutes the story's emotional power. Nonetheless, Eddings fans will no doubt snatch this novel off the shelves, while readers new to the authors' world won't find a more appropriate place to beginning exploring it. 400,000 first printing; major ad/promo.
Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Library Journal

While relating his event-filled life, the immortal sorcerer Belgarath weaves a compelling tale of two opposing Necessities that spans 7000 years and bears witness to the rise and fall of human hopes and destinies. The latest effort by the authors of The Belgariad (Ballantine, 1986) provides a new spin on material familiar to series followers. It illuminates the mysterious past of a world cracked apart in its infancy by the jealousy of its gods. The sometimes humorous, sometimes sharply rueful voice of the narrator provides a welcome anchor in this lavishly portrayed journey through time. A welcome addition to most fantasy collections, this title can be enjoyed apart from its predecessors.
Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.