Memoirs of a Space Traveler

Stanislaw Lem

Language: English

Published: Jan 15, 1982


"The best science fiction writer working today in any language." -- Newsweek  In this widely acclaimed sequel to The Star Diaries, Ijon Tichy, space traveler of future centuries, discovers that "out there" isn't very different from "down here." Especially when he finds a galactic society over which the Plenum Moronicum presides, which appoints as ruler a ruthless Machine; the inhabitants, docilely cooperating in their own destruction, go by the name of Phools. Tichy seems to attract inventors of splenetic genius, such as the madman who has invented the soul, or another who invents kitchen appliances so good at their jobs they might as well be wives or slaves. Throughout these nine wild adventures, surprise follows witty surprise for the discerning reader of riotously imaginative fiction. STANISLAW LEM, who "knows science well enough to be playful about it" (Time), lives in Poland and is the author of books translated into nearly thirty languages, including Tales of Plrx the Pilot and His Master's Voice.