The Terminal Run

Ryan Schow

Book 7 of The Last War

Language: English

Published: Aug 21, 2018


When a war you don’t want kicks down your front door, what do you do? Preppers tell you to plan for the worst. But no one tells you what to do when a clan of psychopaths starts launching dead bodies into your encampment. The San Francisco survivors have seen their fair share of war, but this might be a war they cannot win, for they’ve never met an enemy quite like this.

Nick, Marcus and Bailey are MIA and in the worst situation of their lives, but people like Corrine, Amber and Abigail are counting on them. What happens when you’re locked in cages and the people you count on most are not there to save you? You tell yourself to either get strong or die, but the mind is a pliable thing—once it reaches the point of failure, there’s no coming back.

Ben and Daisy are on the move, heading for D.C. in search of meaning, or hoping to find redemption. When you’ve failed your family, yourself and the nation, how do you bounce back? In order to survive the apocalypse, knowing how to fight is one thing, but learning to live with your past while trying to find meaning in this new, dark world is another thing entirely.

In this final installment of the Last War series, the full cast of characters returns one last time. Each has a part to play, but the story won’t unfold the way you think. True to form, nothing goes right, and not everyone survives, but no one ever said endings were clean, and good endings are seldom predictable…