These Times of Sedition

Ryan Schow

Book 4 of Abandon

Language: English

Published: Jan 21, 2021

Pages: 356


A group of hardcore fundamentalists embedded in the White House are planning a highly-coordinated, multi-pronged overthrow of the country. When Marley McDaniel, the deputy chief of staff of communications, discovers this treasonous plot to overthrow America, she finds herself out in the cold and on the run with the most high-level target in the world: US President, Althea Kennicot.

Isaiah Wright is the deputy chief of staff of operations and Marley’s colleague. He made his family proud with his accomplishments in Washington D.C., but now, with the White House burning and the president MIA, Isaiah is lost in a dystopian landscape with no plan, no resources, and no direction. Only when he happens upon a familiar face does Isaiah see a sliver of hope, but not everything is as it seems, and Isaiah is about to face a crisis like no other.

To stop the post-apocalyptic chaos that has come with the EMP and the failed power grid, Marley, Isaiah, and President Kennicot will gather up their resources, route out the traitors, then try to cut the head off this snake, not just for themselves, but for the sake of the nation.

The fourth, hard-hitting novel in the Abandon series, These Times of Sedition, follows the last of the McDaniel children as she endures a nightmare of betrayal, catastrophe, and heartache, further proving that the resurgence of the human spirit and the need for community in times of distress might very well be the fuel she needs to survive the collapsing nation.