My Son Heydari and the Karkadann

Peter S. Beagle

Language: English

Published: Jan 1, 2017


A taut and unique unicorn fable from the Middle-East

In ancient Persia, there was an era when magical beasts such as dragons were nearly extinct. Young Heydari, the son of an elephant driver, discovers an injured beast bleeding in a cave. It is a rare type of unicorn known as a karkadann: a terrible horned demon the size of a Greek bull, with double hooves, a tails like a lion, and a hide like thick leather plates.

Despite his better judgment, kind Heydari tends to the terrifying animal’s injuries and nurses the fearsome creature back to health. The young man returns day after day, treating and binding the creature’s wounds, bringing it food and water, reciting prayers. If the karkadann recovers, it will become increasingly more dangerous to Heydari and everyone he loves....