The Sandman #46: Brief Lives Part 6

Neil Gaiman

Book 46 of The Sandman Master of Dreams (issues)

Language: English

Publisher: Vertigo


Dream begs out of Delirium's quest to find their missing brother--which leads to Delirium locking herself up in solitude. However, big sister Death is none to pleased with her brother's actions and confronts him in "Brief Lives" Part 6!

"Six: Life Isn't Pleasant, Petrified-The Parting of the Ways-The Trouble with Mortals-Dreamings of Meeting or Meetings of Dreaming?-The Trouble with Gods-Mervyn Sets Him Straight-"Have You Got Anything with A Happy Ending?"-Tempus Frangit"

Destruction writes poetry. He still has not been found by his family. Dream leaves Delirium and they both go back to their realms. Dream seeks out Bast, the Egyptian cat goddess, who once claimed to know where to find Destruction; she was lying. Delirium closes off her realm, so Death has Dream go to her. They make-up, and decide to go after Destruction again.