The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

Philip K. Dick

Language: English

Publisher: Mariner Books

Published: Mar 1, 1984


A psychedelic odyssey of hallucinations-within-hallucinations from which no reader emerges unscathed. "Boston Globe" On Mars, the harsh climate could make any colonist turn to drugs to escape a dead-end existence. Especially when the drug is Can-D, which translates its users into the idyllic world of a Barbie-esque character named Perky Pat. When the mysterious Palmer Eldritch arrives with a new drug called Chew-Z, he offers a more addictive experience, one that might bring the user closer to God. But in a world where everyone is tripping, no promises can be taken at face value.This Nebula Award nominee is one of Philip K. Dick s enduring classics, at once a deep character study, a dark mystery, and a tightrope walk along the edge of reality and illusion. Over a career that spanned three decades, Philip K. Dick (1928 1982) wrote 121 short stories and 45 novels, establishing himself as one of the most visionary authors of the twentieth century. His work is included in the Library of America and has been translated into more than twenty-five languages. Eleven works have been adapted to film, including "Blade Runner" (based on "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"), "Total Recall," "Minority Report," and "A Scanner Darkly." "