A Rude Awakening

Brian Aldiss

Book 3 of Horatio Stubbs

Language: English

Publisher: Charter

Published: Sep 15, 1980

Pages: 225


The final volume of the Horatio Stubbs trilogy, available as an ebook for the first time. The war is over but our hero, Horatio Stubbs, is still in Sumatra and still narrating his sexual adventures. Brian says: “In the third (and last) of the HAND REARED BOY series, equatorial juices flow. Stubbs is now in Sumatra, the official war being over. But the birth pains of the new Indonesian republic interfere with Stubbs’s sexual involvements with, among others, two Chinese ladies.”

In this powerful addition to the legend of a sex-prone sergeant, Horatio Stubbs finds himself in trouble with women - and not for the first time. However, quite uncommonly, Stubbs seems to be enjoying a period of success, with a bevy of eager women who all want a piece of him. The whoring, boozing and army horseplay of this novel take place in serious surroundings. The year is 1946, and British, Dutch, Indian, Japanese, Chinese and Indonesian forces confront each other for possession of the island of Sumatra.