The Day Human King

B. Kristin McMichael

Book 2 of Day Human Trilogy

Language: English

Publisher: Lexia Press

Published: Jan 1, 2014


Book Two of The Day Human Trilogy
Book Five in The Night Human World
An expansion of The Blue Eyes Trilogy

After he inherited the power of the late sidhe king, Devin thought the battle to protect Nessa and proceed with her coronation was over. Everyone feared him, and he had the power to do anything in the sidhe world. He was wrong. As problem after problem arises, Nessa and Devin discover that the path to the throne isn’t as simple as they thought. Formalities must be adhered to, preparations must be made, and between all of that, Devin and Nessa must decide what to do with an obviously pregnant Fiona, who won’t name the father of her child. To make matters worse, the elite sidhe are still assassinating each other. No one in the palace is safe. Who is behind the latest deaths, and can the coronation actually occur with all of the drama going on? Devin and Nessa’s road to power might be cut short if they can’t find the answers.