ARMS Helm's End

Stephen Arseneault

Book 7 of Arms

Language: English

Publisher: Stephen Arseneault

Published: Jan 1, 2017

Pages: 287


The war has been going badly for the Domers. Half the outer colonies are under control of New Earth and the Denzee. A return to Helm is setting up to be an epic fight. Beyond that lies the capitol of the free world, Domicile.

Helm's End is the seventh exciting book of this epic adventure. If you have yet to begin reading this series you will want to begin with the first book--ARMS War For Eden. Get cracking today!

What are readers saying about this series?
--Arms is highly entertaining, humorous, and fast paced--
--Each page finds you hurrying to get to the next--
--BZ, BZ, BZ, Stephen! Can't wait for the next one, as a former Navy Sniper, I can identify with some of the main characters situations...--
--Everything from Stephen Arseneault is excellent!!!!!!!!!!! Best sci-fi writer to come along in decades!!--