Where All Things Perish

Tanith Lee

Language: English

Published: Sep 3, 2012


"I saw something of a dull, dry red thrust between the leaves."


About the story, Tanith Lee writes, “Late one night, my partner John Kaiine and I fell to talking about ghost stories and other sinister matters. Out­side the by-then-darkened room, leaves were appearing on the trees and seeming to form strange shapes and faces. The idea of looking from windows took hold of us. Then, as is his wont, John produced an idea so perfect for a story that the usual scramble was on to grab a notebook. The spine of the work supplied, the characters began to arrive on their own, as is their wont. The story was almost entirely there, even its title, which came to me at once.”

Please enjoy “Where All Things Perish.” - Ann & Jeff VanderMeer