Armies of Light and Dark

Peter David

Book 2 of Babylon 5: Legions of Fire

Language: English

Publisher: Del Rey

Published: May 2, 2000


Babylon 5 - Armies of Light and Dark by Peter David

The Drakh have assaulted Earth with deadly Shadow technologybut the worst is yet to come in this stunning continuation of the Babylon 5 epic adventure . . .

Centauri Prime has been infiltrated by malevolent allies of the Shadows, creatures known as the Drakh. While Centauri citizens continue to rebuild their war-torn planet, their secret masters work feverishly toward one ultimate goal: to crush the Interstellar Alliance once and for all.

As the Drakh carry out their horrific plans, Emperor Londo Mollari languishes on his throne, a puppet of the Drakh-bred keeper, an insidious creature that monitors his every thought, word, and action. While the emperor broods, the power-obsessed Lord Durlaan unwitting Drakh pawnfollows his own agenda.

But Drakh control is not absolute. Vir Cottoa most unlikely herohas begun a resistance movement, and Alliance President John Sheridan has sent his most trusted troubleshooter, Michael Garibaldi, to investigate.  Yet this move may prove costly, and though the Centauri continue to build a new military machine, the Alliance avoids any overt confrontation, hoping the problem will go away.