Slow Burn Box Set

Bobby Adair

Book 1.9 of Slow Burn

Language: English

Publisher: Beezle Media, LLC

Published: Jul 20, 2019

Pages: 2242


It was just a random mutation - one of a billion that happen in viruses every day. But this one was different. It exploded out of Somalia and spread across the oceans before anybody thought to look up from their cell phones to see what was going on.

The infected breathed the virus into the air around them, spreading it through the cities faster than anyone thought possible. Hospitals were overwhelmed. Police lines crumbled. Quarantine sites disintegrated. Cities started to collapse.

Through the chaos, some, like Zed Zane, discovered the virus wasn't going to kill them, but change them. Change them into something different, and leave them in a world where the word "survival" took on an older, more brutal meaning.