Lords of Kobol - Book Two: Descent

Edward T. Yeatts Iii

Book 2 of Battlestar Galactica: Lords of Kobol

Language: English

Published: Aug 26, 2011

Pages: 346


Following the exodus of the Thirteenth Tribe and the dissolution of the Olympic Council as depicted in "Book One: Apotheosis," "Book Two: Descent" finds the gods scattered about Kobol. Apollo, though, is urged to confide in one man the true story of the Pantheon.

You now know what the Lords of Kobol are. Prepare to learn whence they came. How did they gain dominion over mankind? In "Book One," the words "Draco" and "Prometheus" are cursed whispers from the past. Who were the Draco? What did Prometheus do? And what of "The One?" Where does "it" fit into all of this?

See the gathering of the Twelve Tribes under Mount Olympus. Watch as the Great Flood nearly wipes out the gods' early followers. Behold the Lords of Kobol, hefting great weapons and arrayed in gleaming armor, take to the battlefield against their enemies. Gaze upon the seeds being sown for mankind's eventual departure from paradise ...

If "Book One: Apotheosis" was a slow-burn introduction to this world, the continuation of the story from "Battlestar Galactica" and "Caprica"'s distant past is an emotional and action-packed roller coaster ride. There is a Plan and questions will be answered.