A Few Words for the Dead

Guy Adams

Book 3 of The Clown Service

Language: English

Publisher: Del Rey

Published: Jan 1, 2015

Pages: 257


Section 37 is under attack.

Toby Greene, a Clown Service agent, is on the hunt. But catching someone whose bodyguard is the relentless Rain-Soaked Bride can be a deadly game.

Section Chief August Shining has problems of his own. Under investigation by MI6 and at the mercy of a mysterious entity, has his past has finally caught up with him?

Section 37 is under attack. Toby Greene, a Clown Service agent, is on the hunt. But catching someone whose bodyguard is the relentless Rain-Soaked Bride can be a deadly game. Section Chief August Shining has problems of his own. Under investigation by MI6 and at the mercy of a mysterious entity, has his past has finally caught up with him? **

From the Author

Guy Adams ' books include a Torchwood novel, The House that Jack Built ; the Heaven's Gate series, which includes The Good, the Bad, and the Infernal ; and a pair of original Sherlock Holmes novels, The Breath of God and The Army of Doctor Moreau.

About the Author

GUY ADAMS lives in Spain, surrounded by rescue animals. Some of them are his family. He isn't a spy, but he is a boy, so naturally he's always dreamed of being one. Having spent over ten years working as a professional actor and comedian, eventually he decided he'd quite like to eat regularly, so switched careers and became a full-time writer. Nobody said he was clever. Against all odds he managed to stay busy and since then he has written over twenty books.