Hands of the Ripper

Guy Adams

Language: English

Publisher: Random House

Published: Jan 1, 2012

Pages: 288


He is raising the poker again and Anna bites her lower lip so hard she chokes a little in the blood that runs down her throat...

On a cold, wet night recently widowed psychology lecturer John Pritchard visits spiritualist Aida Golding with his son. Although wary something has driven him here. And he is drawn to a troubled young woman who is trying to contact her child. Something about her intrigues him and despite his doubts he continues to attend meetings.

One night at an intimate séance in Aida's house the lights go out and one of the group is brutally murdered. John has his suspicions but he can't prove anything. He senses that Aida has some hold over the girl and he offers her a place of refuge in his home. But the past haunts Anna in the most chilling of ways. And all too soon John realises he's made a terrible mistake...


"Written with care and style, Adams has given this Horror Channel favorite a new lease of life and continues a stunning series of books. . . . More please!" — HorrorChannel.co.uk

About the Author

Guy Adams ' books include a Torchwood novel, The House that Jack Built ; the Heaven's Gate series, which includes The Good, the Bad, and the Infernal ; and a pair of original Sherlock Holmes novels, The Breath of God and The Army of Doctor Moreau.

He is raising the poker again and Anna bites her lower lip so hard she chokes a little in the blood that runs down her throat... On a cold, wet night recently widowed psychology lecturer John Pritchard visits spiritualist Aida Golding with his son. Although wary something has driven him here. And he is drawn to a troubled young woman who is trying to contact her child. Something about her intrigues him and despite his doubts he continues to attend meetings. One night at an intimate séance in Aida's house the lights go out and one of the group is brutally murdered. John has his suspicions but he can't prove anything. He senses that Aida has some hold over the girl and he offers her a place of refuge in his home. But the past haunts Anna in the most chilling of ways. And all too soon John realises he's made a terrible mistake... **


"Written with care and style, Adams has given this Horror Channel favorite a new lease of life and continues a stunning series of books. . . . More please!"  — HorrorChannel.co.uk

About the Author

Guy Adams ' books include a Torchwood novel, The House that Jack Built ; the Heaven's Gate series, which includes The Good, the Bad, and the Infernal ; and a pair of original Sherlock Holmes novels, The Breath of God and The Army of Doctor Moreau.