Cubes and Punishment

Scott Adams

Book 30 of Dilbert

Language: English

Publisher: Paperback

Published: Nov 1, 2008

Pages: 224


My cube is sucking the life force out of me." --DilbertIn Cubes and Punishment: A Dilbert Book, Dilbert sardonically skewers the Dostoevskian sense of despair and anxiety that corporate life breeds. And nowhere is this sense more alive than in the desolation of the cubicle. In Dilbert's world, cubicle dwellers are relegated to everything from the half-size intern cubicle to the patented head cubicle and are even sentenced to adopt and decorate empty cubicles.* Dilbert continues to be the voice for the embattled cubicle-dwelling Everyman. With best-friend Dogbert, and a veritable who's who in accompanying office characters ranging from the Boss and Wally to Alice and Catbert, Dilbert offers a welcome dose of laughter in response to the inanity of corporate culture and middle-management mores.