Onca's Duty

Dan Davis

Book 0.75 of Galactic Arena

Language: English

Publisher: Unknown

Published: Jan 1, 2017

Pages: 159


**"Begin at once to do your duty and immediately you will know what is inside you." **

Brazilian Special Forces Major Rafael “Onca” Santos is one of the best soldiers in the 22nd century. A veteran of counter-terrorism combat and urban warfare, Onca faces the toughest mission of his life when he is shortlisted for a mission unlike any before.

A dozen of the Earth’s finest Marines, Rangers, Airborne and Special Forces soldiers will be chosen to travel to the outer solar system. And only one will be chosen to fight in the giant alien space station known as the Orb.

Onca’s path is clear. He must do his duty. But duty to what? To his country, to the military, his comrades, all of humanity… or to himself?

A story of sacrifice, honor and loyalty, the second prequel in the Galactic Arena Series, Onca’s Duty explores the story of The United Nations Orb Project’s Mission Two. It comes after Inhuman Contact and before Orb Station Zero but can be read before or after either.

The Galactic Arena Series
Inhuman Contact (Prequel Novella 1)

Onca’s Duty (Prequel Novella 2)

Orb Station Zero (Book 1)

Book 2 Coming soon!