Flame and Damnation

C Z Dunn & Christian Z. Dunn & Graeme Lyon & Kyme Nick & L. J. Goulding & Joshua Reynolds

Language: English

Publisher: Black Library

Published: Nov 15, 2016

Pages: 138


They appear from nowhere, spectral warriors of living shadow, wreathed in sorcerous flames and adorned with sigils of death. They come at times of great need, when servants of the Emperor face their mightiest challenges, with the fate of worlds at stake. None know who they truly are, where they come from or where they go at battle's end. They never speak, simply bringing the Emperor's fury to all who would stand against them. They are known only as the Legion of the Damned.

Read it because
At the darkest hour, even the mightiest of mankind's warriors require aid. From out of nowhere the Legion of the Damned come to turn the tide of battle in the favour of the Space Marines. A supernatural force which disappears as quickly as it arrives, none know its origin. Eyewitness accounts are collected here.