Enemies of Fortune

Steven Brust & C. J. Cherryh & Jeff Grubb & Mickey Zucker Reichert & Dennis McKiernan & Andrew J. Offutt & Selina Rosen & Robin Wayne Bailey & Diana L. Paxson & Jody Lynn Nye

Book 3 of Thieves' World, 2nd Series

Language: English

Publisher: Tor Books

Published: Dec 1, 2004

Pages: 352


Empires rise and fall, but Sanctuary lives on.Sanctuary, a lawless city governed by evil forces, powerful magic, and political intrigue where survival is an unexpected bonusA recent storm has left a ship filled with exotic cargo and arcane secrets wrecked off the shore of Sanctuary in this second of a new series of shared world anthologies that continues its story with tales of necromancers and assassins, urchins and knaves, and of course, thieves. This unexpected booty leads to boons and curses for the world-weary residents ... as well as the usual power struggle among factions wishing to take deadly advantage at any new turn of events.All new stories by Lynn Abbey, Stephen Brust, C.J.Cherryh, Jeff Grubb, Mickey Zucker Reichert, Dennis McKiernan, Andrew Offutt, Robin Wayne Bailey, Diana Paxson, Jody Lynn Nye, Selina Rosen, and Jane Fancher.

From Booklist

This is the second, after Turning Points (2002), in another series of collections of new stories about the city of Sanctuary, originally the creation of editor Abbey and Robert Asprin in their Thieves' World, now long a setting exploited by a variety of authors. Sanctuary was founded by runaway slaves, hence the name, and remains a refuge for those able to call no other place home--a deadly fate, indeed, for there is no one there to guard one's back. Weapons, wizardry, music--any of these can start something in Sanctuary that only the boldest can finish. Editor Abbey unifies this book with the device of a shipwreck off the coast of Sanctuary, with the stuff looted from it cranking up the levels of menace and chaos in the city. She has gotten high-quality contributions from mostly well-known fantasy hands, and she interweaves them so deftly that the book reads like a novel. Although it will help to be previously acquainted with Thieves' World, it isn't necessary to appreciate this book. Roland Green
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved


On Thieves' World TM: Turning Points

"Thieves' World was a signal event in fantasy history ...(a) rich legacy of first rate story."--New York Times bestselling author Raymond E.Feist

"Amusingly 'low' fantasy adventure, varied enough to appeal to those who have had their fill of Tolkien and want funnier, nastier stuff." -- Kirkus Reviews