The Rise and Fall of a Dragon King

Lynn Abbey

Book 5 of Dark Sun: Chronicles of Athas

Language: English

Publisher: TSR Inc.

Published: Apr 2, 1996

Pages: 310


"I, Hamanu . . . "

Hamanu the Innocent - his parents killed by an invading party of trolls. Hamanu the Survivor - enlists as a soldier, forging himself into the same heartless mercenary that killed his parents. Hamanu the Victorious - powerful warrior-king, and scourge of the Tablelands. Hamanu the lion of Urik, King of the World. . . and Dragon King?

He is the greatest threat to the city of Urik, and its only hope as well. Forces are conspiring to bring about a dreaded metamorphosis, and he is their only possible salvation. This is Hamanu's story . . . in his own words.

SUMMARY: The much-feared sorcerer-king of Urik, Hamanu joins a plot to force a transmutation that will allow him to avoid his own corruption but that will destroy all of Urik in the process. Original. 65,000 first printing.

"I, Hamanu . . . "

Hamanu the Innocent - his parents killed by an invading party of trolls. Hamanu the Survivor - enlists as a soldier, forging himself into the same heartless mercenary that killed his parents. Hamanu the Victorious - powerful warrior-king, and scourge of the Tablelands. Hamanu the lion of Urik, King of the World. . . and Dragon King?

He is the greatest threat to the city of Urik, and its only hope as well. Forces are conspiring to bring about a dreaded metamorphosis, and he is their only possible salvation. This is Hamanu's story . . . in his own words.

Hamanu the Innocent - his parents killed by an invading party of trolls. Hamanu the Survivor - enlists as a soldier, forging himself into the same heartless mercenary that killed his parents. Hamanu the Victorious - powerful warrior-king, and scourge of the Tablelands. Hamanu the lion of Urik, King of the World... and Dragon King? He is the greatest threat to the city of Urik, and its only hope as well. Forces are conspiring to bring about a dreaded metamorphosis, and he is their only possible salvation. This is Hamanu's story... in his own words.