Letters From Crispin

Cyan Abad-Jugo

Language: English

Publisher: Anvil Publishing

Published: Jul 1, 2016

Pages: 25


“What’s this,” she wondered, peering into the hole in the tree. There was something like an old bird’s nest inside, with a piece of paper on top, sticking out like a plant growing towards the light. “Why, it’s an envelope, and there’s writing on it.” For The Little Girl Who Lives Here, it read.

When Alice sleeps over Lola-grandma’s house for Lola-grandma’s hundredth birthday, she receives a mysterious letter from a boy named Crispin, who claims to be a neighbor. But there is no one her age for miles around, except for a boy named Jason.

Who is Crispin? What does he have to do with the haunted house across Calle Nuevo? And what connects the February Revolution to the hundred years before it?