Assignment Ceylon

Edward S. Aarons

Book 36 of Sam Durell

Language: English

Publisher: Fawcett

Published: Jan 1, 1973

Pages: 208


“Hello, Cajun. “I've come to kill you,” said the man in the mask.
“Why?” asked Sam.
“It's my job,” said the man.
“To kill me?” Sam asked.
“Orders,” said the man. “I've been sent by K Section -- by your former boss General McFee.”
“Former? I don't believe you.”
“McFee gave me the orders, Cajun. He said you were a traitor and I was to eliminate you. Now just don't move, Sam.”

Durell couldn't figure what was going on. Sure these things happened. There were defectors. Guys who ran scared or got greedy and went over to the other side. But not Sam Durell. Somebody was putting a frame around Sam's neck. One tight enough to strangle him. If McFee believed Sam would double-cross him then anything could happen.

Sam looked at the cold-eyed man in the mask. This was going to be a tough one to beat. Yessir. A real tough one.