Assignment Silver Scorpion

Edward S. Aarons

Book 35 of Sam Durell

Language: English

Published: Jan 1, 1973

Pages: 276


Sam Durell had survived in this business by taking no one for granted. Long ago he had learned to live alone, hunt alone, depend on himself alone.

Now he wasn't alone and he wished he were. For the presence of Georgette Finch, an attractive young woman agent for K Section, complicated the job of re-covering a stolen three hundred million in American money. It was hidden some-where behind the smoke curtain of civil war in Boganda, a newly emerged African nation.

Sam figured he was better off without Finch, until he ran into a couple of deadly female pirates who were out to increase their fortune by--you guessed it--three hundred million. And since they had an army, Sam decided he needed all the help he could get. But trusting Finch was a bit more than he counted on.