Assignment White Rajah

Edward S. Aarons

Book 29 of Sam Durell

Language: English

Publisher: Coronet

Published: Jan 1, 1970

Pages: 215


Sam could hear the planes overhead. U.S. Navy planes. They had no business here. They were violating neutral territory.

Somebody in Southeast Asia was hijacking American fighter planes. Not one at a time. In bunches.

If Sam could get to a certain mountaintop he might find the answer. But between Sam and the mountain was a countryside aflame with bloody riots, some very sadistic secret police, a network of freelance assassins, a CIA buddy who had gone psycho, and an unknown and very dangerous traitor.

Durell's only hope lay with Pala Mir, a very lethal young lovely -- granddaughter of the mysterious White Rajah who lived on the mountaintop.

The mountain wouldn't come to Sam.

But maybe the girl would…