Assignment Peking

Edward S. Aarons

Book 28 of Sam Durell

Language: English

Publisher: John Curley & Assoc

Published: Jan 1, 1969

Pages: 223


Sam Durrell, alias Major Shan, finds himself stuck in a Chinese hellhole and his face physically altered when he is betrayed by someone he had trusted

“Durell? Sam Durell?”
Sam stood silent and motionless.
“Sam, please answer me. It is quite all right. You can answer.”
Sam heard a scratching sound, a faint click of metal on metal. There was quiet, sustained breathing.
The voice called again.
“Major Shan! Shan Tze Peng!”
“I am here,” said Durell.
“Mr. Shan, I will get you out of here. I shall save you!”

Sam knew the words were a lie. He smelled danger. It was death breathing outside his door. Someone had already betrayed him. Someone who knew he was wearing another man's face. Someone Sam Durell had trusted for a long time…maybe even loved.

The slant-eyed stranger in his mirror looked back at him with growing horror…