Assignment Cong Hai Kill

Edward S. Aarons

Book 23 of Sam Durell

Language: English

Publisher: Fawcett

Published: Jan 1, 1966

Pages: 204


Caught in a seething guerilla war, Sam Durell pursues a deadly and traitorous double agent - with strict orders to bring him back alive. Right from the beginning, Durell wanted to say no. It was the kind of assignment that turned the guts of a man who'd spent a lifetime protecting the security of his country. It made Durell look at the livid scars on his body and wonder who the hell he was risking his neck for. But the answer this time was simple - and the orders came straight from the top. He was to spare no effort - not even his own life - to bring back a killer, a sadist, a defector who'd gone over to the Reds and was now hiding in the Asian jungles, waiting to come back home. Durell's job was to see that he got back - one hundred percent alive. It might not be so bad if he were handling the job alone - as usual. But this time he was to work with a partner - the beautiful woman from out of his past, the sultry, sensuous Deirdre, whose life would hang by a slender thread in the vicious game to save a man Durell hated...