Shadows of Kormyrith

Andrew Gille

Book 2 of Aurelian Santar

Language: English

Published: Dec 11, 2021

Pages: 328


After escaping the notorious pirate Deathbeard and returning to Droko, Aurelian, Sabien and Johnny find adjusting to life in the secluded sea-side community difficult. Aurelian is whiling away his time living off the few gold pieces he retained from the encounter with Deathbeard. Johnny, unable to find work as a sailor has begun working at a candle stick maker to help ends meet. Sabien, who is in the worst predicament, has been made financially responsible for the loss of the Altman Morris.

After learning that Johnny's jealous employer wants a painting of his wife recovered from her previous lover and that other opportunities abound for anyone with the means to sail the Throgroshian Sea, Aurelian procures a ship. The group finds a passenger gifted in magic and they set sail for Citrine Island.

Things do not go as planned. A stowaway, who siezes their ship and forces them to change course, a mysterious cat and a diversion to the now chaotic, lawless city of Kormyrith bring them face-to-face with an evil cult. They must join forces with their powerful captor to survive. Their adventure will carry them to Kormyrith and Xoria. Along the way they will find themselves at odds with pirates, a dreaded sea monster and temple governments who aim to control their citizens and put and end to the free commerce of the sea traders.