Doomstar Relic

James Axler

Book 6 of Outlanders

Language: English

Publisher: Gold Eagle

Published: Sep 1, 1998

Pages: 352



The passage of time hasn't healed the ravages of the nukecaust, but where once there was only the Deathlands, new centers of power loom above the domain of the unwanted, the hellzones of the Outlands. Though the Outlanders distrust and hate the rulers of the fortified villes, even they wouldn't dare imagine the megalithic power guiding their destiny.


Born and bred as an enforcer of the villes, Kane is now a renegade who has seen enough of the truth to make him scared for the future. Along with his fellow exiles from Cobaltville, he must unravel the net of lies that has ensnared humanity. Now, they must race to reverse an irresistable force unleashed by one man's quest for power.

In the Outlands, there is nothing left to lose except the future...

When a rebellious member of the Ragnarville Trust discovers a subterranean laser-fusion plant dating back to before the nuclear holocaust, he devises a plan to take over the ville. But by restarting the fusion process to power his stronghold and create a holographic assassin, he also unknowingly initiates the self-destruction mechanism in the plant. Kane and his team are sent by Redoubt to handle the situation--and find themselves at war with the rebel forces, an unstoppable killer and a doomsday program set to destroy the Earth a second time.
