Operation Caspian Tiger

Addison Gunn

Book 3 of Extinction Biome: Invasion

Language: English

Publisher: Abaddon Books

Published: Apr 15, 2016


With Stockman dead and his forces routed, the Astoria Compound’s greatest threats are diminishing food supplies and fractious refugees. The problems are mounting and there are no easy solutions. Then a bomb attack inside the Compound brings an unwelcome discovery: drug-resistant Infected, infiltrating the refugee camp. Miller and his team are co-opted for OPERATION CASPIAN TIGER, an attempt to root out the infiltrators, but is a more extreme solution needed?
Extinction Biome is a new military-SF series about a world overrun by an ancient ecology, awakened from a millennia-long dormancy to destroy the human race; and about the decisions we must make to try and survive.