Operation Wild Tarpan

Addison Gunn

Book 2 of Extinction Biome: Invasion

Language: English

Publisher: Abaddon Books

Published: Oct 15, 2016


Major General Stockman and the U.S. Army 11th Infantry Division – infected, to a man and woman, with the Archaean Parasite – are marching on Schaeffer-Yeager’s Astoria Compound, intent on removing CEO L. Gray Matherson and destroying the corporation’s facilities. Gray’s plans need time; an evacuation is planned, but S-Y are far from ready. Alex Miller and his Cobalt team are assigned to OPERATION WILD TARPAN, a desperate bid to delay the coming attack...
Extinction Biome is a new military-SF series about a world overrun by an ancient ecology, awakened from a millennia-long dormancy to destroy the human race; and about the decisions we must make to try and survive.