Equinox Zero

James Axler

Book 24 of Outlanders

Language: English

Publisher: Gold Eagle

Published: Feb 1, 2003

Pages: 352



Humanity's resurrection from the atomic megacull is held hostage by a sinister blueprint for control and conquest that began aeons ago. Yet there are those who have uncovered the secrets that doomed mankind, valiant soldiers dedicated to defeating earth's mysterious enslavers...


As magistrate-turned-rebel Kane, fellow warrior Grant and archivist Brigid Baptiste face uncertainty in their own ranks, an ancient foe resurfaces in the company of Viking warriors - harnessing ancient prophecies of Ragnarok, the final conflict of fire and ice, to bring his own mad vision of a new apocalypse. To save what's left of the future, Kane's new battleground is the kingdom of Antarctica, where legend and lore have taken on mythic and deadly proportions.