Berserker Bounty Hunter

Roland Carlsson

Book 1 of Berserker Bounty Hunter

Language: English


Publisher: anonymous

Published: Jan 1, 2021

Pages: 315


Women. Wealth. Power. I can never have enough.

The life of a bounty hunter is never easy. Between chasing after supernatural criminals and doing battle with the rival clan Taran, I have more than enough on my plate.

As if that wasn't enough, I've been thrust into a maze of shadows. An attractive young apprentice, a seductive changeling, and a diabolical baron will conspire to turn my life upside down and change Sadras forever.

While I navigate this conspiracy and the demons from my past, I'll be forced to confront an even greater power within me.

For I am no ordinary man: I am the berserker, and I've been quested by the gods to restore this forsaken land.

One cracked head at a time.

Warning: This story contains strong harem themes, sexy shapeshifters and ultra-violence.